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[8-8 d4-01] [8-8 d4-03]


Wednesday, May 30th

This was the day with the most promising forecast. I already was excited the when I went to sleep the night before and made sure that I would get up before sunrise.

The bell rang at 6:30. It was pretty cold in the van and when I opened the door a layer of thick fog covered the ground. The silhouette of Sainte Barbe was backlit by the first light of the rising sun. Not even the slightest whisper of wind was disturbing the brisk air. The magical scenery was back-grounded by a distant rumbling. The swell had arrived.

I had a quick coffee to warm up a bit and went for a check. The waves were a bit hard to spot with a thick layer of fog covering the see alike. But the rising sun was doing its best to clear the fog (and give a little bit more of some well needed warmth). The swell was pretty solid, getting cleaner with every minute of the light offshore. Plenty of early birds were already out and more were constantly arriving in the parking lot, taking a quick check before hastily getting back to their cars and waxing the boards.

The peak to the right looked best but had been taken over by the SUP – guys. And despite being still pretty sceptic about this sport, I have to admit, that they had the best or at least the longest rides. But this might be mainly because they can drop in earlier. Still think that solid waves like these should be surfed the traditional way.

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